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Journal of Ecology and Conservation


ISSN: 3048-5177


right arrow  Paul Krause
Emeritus Professor, Computer Science Department, Nature Inspired Computing and Engineering Research Group
Email: p.krause@surrey.ac.uk


right arrow  Cosimo Magazzino
Professor, Applied Econometrics Department, Roma Tre University
Email: cosimo.magazzino@uniroma3.it
right arrow  Patrick Hamilton Armstrong
Adjunct Professor, Geography Department, University of Western Australia
Email: patrick.armstrong@uwa.edu.au
right arrow  Paul Krause
Emeritus Professor, Computer Science Department, Nature Inspired Computing and Engineering Research Group
Email: p.krause@surrey.ac.uk
right arrow  Jim Littlemore
Senior Lecturer, Ecology, Conservation & Sustainability Department, Anglia Ruskin University
Email: james.littlemore@aru.ac.uk
right arrow  Wondmagegne Daniel Whibesilassie
Lecturer, Natural Resources Management Department, Texas Tech University
Email: Wondud.Whibesilassie@ttu.edu
right arrow  Kamaljit Kaur Sangha
Associate Professor, Ecological Economics Department, Charles Darwin University
Email: kamaljit.sangha@cdu.edu.au
right arrow  Ke Liu
Research Fellow, Agriculture Sciences Department, University of Tasmania
Email: ke.liu@utas.edu.au
right arrow  David López-Carr
Professor, Geography Department, University of California
Email: davidlopezcarr@ucsb.edu
right arrow  Chandra Shekhar Kapoor
Assistant Professor, Environment Engineering & Biotechnology Department, Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research University
Email: chandrashekharkapoor@pacificuniversity.ac.in
right arrow  Claudia Belviso
Senior Researcher, Geology Department, CNR-IMAA
Email: claudia.belviso@imaa.cnr.it
right arrow  Md Mizanur Rahman
Postdoctoral Fellow, Biological Sciences Department, Chonnam National University
Email: mizanur@chonnam.ac.kr
right arrow  Flavio Boccia
Professor, Economic and Legal Studies Department, University of Naples
Email: flavio.boccia@uniparthenope.it
right arrow  Elmugheira Mockarram Ibrahim Mohammed
Assistant Professor, Forest management Department, University of Gezira
Email: elmugheira1984@uofg.edu.sd
right arrow  Vignesh Arumugam
Assistant Professor, Botany Department, NGM College (Autonomous)
Email: arumugamvignesh@ngmc.org
right arrow  Beatriz Castillo Téllez
Professor, Fundamentals of Knowledge Department, Universidad de Guadalajara
Email: beatriz.castillo@academicos.udg.mx
right arrow  Griet En Erica Cuyckens
Adjunt Researcher, CONICET
Email: ecuyckens@fca.unju.edu.ar

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